We try our best to keep divisive, disturbing or unsafe content off "Mention la". Some types of content we delete, other stuff we just hide from public areas.
We remove porn. We may hide nudity or erotica. We always remove images of explicit sexual activity or fetishes, and nude or partially nude people in sexually suggestive poses.
We remove content that physically or sexually exploits people. We work with law enforcement to address the sexualization of minors. We don’t allow anything that promotes sexual services, like escorts, prostitution or sensual massages.
We remove images or hide that show gratuitous violence or glorify violence for no good reason.
We remove content that displays, rationalizes or encourages suicide, self-injury, eating disorders or substance abuse.
We remove hate speech and discrimination, or groups and people that advocate either.
We don’t allow advice when it has immediate and detrimental effects on a user's health or on public safety. This includes promotion of false cures for terminal or chronic illnesses and anti-vaccination advice.
We don’t allow misinformation about protected groups that promotes fear, hate and prejudice. This and other policies, including our hate speech guidelines, are designed to keep "Mention la" a positive and welcoming environment for people of all backgrounds.
We don’t allow misinformation that attacks individuals and turns them, their families or their properties into targets of harassment or violence.
We don’t allow content that originates from disinformation campaigns targeted at "Mention la" or other platforms.
We want the inspiration and ideas on "Mention la" to be high-quality and useful, so we remove spam when we find it. We ask that you be considerate of others' experiences on "Mention la" and don't spread spam or engage in spammy behavior.
Don't use automation that hasn't been explicitly approved by "Mention la". This includes unauthorized services that automatically perform actions on your behalf.
Don't create or operate accounts that aren't authentic, create accounts en masse, or create new accounts for the purpose of violating these guidelines.
Don't create or save content that is repetitive, deceptive, or irrelevant in an attempt to make money.
Don't link to websites that are unsafe, deceptive, untrustworthy, unoriginal, or that facilitate or encourage spam.
Don't copy, or modify "Mention la", any part of "Mention la", or our trademarks in any way.
Don't attempt to extract the source code of "Mention la"
Don't translate "Mention la" into other languages, or make derivative versions without "Mention la"'s owner permission.
"Mention la" itself, and all the trade marks, copyright, database rights and other intellectual property rights related to it, still belong to its owner.
Don’t do anything or post any content that violates laws or regulations.
Don’t use any undocumented or unsupported method to access, search, scrape, download or change any part of "Mention la".
Don’t try to interfere with people on "Mention la" or our hosts or networks, like sending a virus, overloading, spamming or mail-bombing.
Don’t share your password, let anyone access your account or do anything that might put your account at risk.
Don’t attempt to buy or sell access to your account, boards, or usernames, or otherwise transfer account features for compensation.
Don’t try to reverse engineer our software.
Don’t break or circumvent our security measures or test the vulnerability of our systems or networks.
Revised: Dec 8, 2019